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The survey explored where open source is used, with the top, as shown in FIGURE 13 below. Large organizations have results shown in FIGURE 12. More than half of the respondents vast quantities of data, often distributed across numerous are aware of their organizations using open source software silos. There is a tremendous amount of value “locked up” in for cloud/containerization, web application development, this data, hence the interest in open source tools that can CI/CD and DevOps, AI/ML and data and analytics. However, unlock the stored potential. it is likely that this is simply a reflection of the innovation happening in these particular fields, resulting in increased While it is impossible to list all of the open source projects visibility within the organization as a whole. used within financial services, several were frequently mentioned in our interviews and should likely be consid- We also find that larger organizations (more than 10,000 ered “core” open source projects. These include Java employees) have a greater breadth of open source consump- Spring, Spring Boot, React, Apache Kafka, and Apache tion, with its use in AI/ML, data, and analytics coming out on Cassandra. FIGURE 12 Types of open source software in use In which of the following areas does your organization use open source software? (check all that apply) Cloud/Container Technologies 60% Web & Application Development 58% CI/CD & DevOps 55% AI, ML, Data & Analytics 54% Cybersecurity 40% Linux Kernel 35% Blockchain 30% More than half of the Standards 27% respondents use Storage Technologies 26% OSS in these Networking & Edge 24% areas Open Hardware 15% Augmented/Virtual Reality 11% IoT & Embedded 10% Other (please specify) 2% 2022 FINOS STATE OF OSS IN FINANCIAL SERVICES SURVEY, Don’t know or not sure 6% Q15, SAMPLE SIZE = 210, VALID CASES = 210, TOTAL MENTIONS = 954 THE 2022 STATE OF OPEN SOURCE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES 21

The State of Open Source in Financial Services - Page 21 The State of Open Source in Financial Services Page 20 Page 22