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Contribution could use more attention Leadership is essential, The report shows that although the open source contribution challenging, and nuanced story is positive, significant challenges remain, more so than In addition to work on policies, processes, and tooling, open for consumption. Despite the challenges, 38% of respondents source leaders in financial services must also deal with siloed reported being given more time to spend on open source workplaces, cultural differences, and potential misalignment contributions, and 64% of respondents stated that their orga- between “the business” and technology. The survey results nization maintains at least one open source project, with indicate that firms with an OSPO or visible open source one third maintaining between three and 10 projects. There leader, compared to those without, are better able to address has also been a positive shift in open source policies, with a these issues and far more likely to openly encourage both 75% increase (20% in 2021 vs. 35% in 2022) in contribution consumption (62% vs. 29%) and contribution (41% vs. 14%) permitted under some circumstances and a 70% decrease while having a significant positive impact on employees’ (6% in 2022 from 20% in 2020) in the percentage of firms perceptions of their organization’s engagement with open that do not permit contribution. Contribution to inner source source. Leadership is nuanced, however, and our analysis projects remains higher, with respondents spending almost suggests that while executive support is crucial, so too is a double the time contributing to inner source projects than to grassroots effort. third party projects or projects that their own organizations open source. On balance, the findings of this report reveal that while consumption remains hard, contribution is even harder. At the same time, there is an increased appetite to overcome barriers and a growing number of open source leaders in the industry to help achieve this. THE 2022 STATE OF OPEN SOURCE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES 6

The State of Open Source in Financial Services - Page 6 The State of Open Source in Financial Services Page 5 Page 7
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