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Regarding which technologies respondents identified as One individual highlighted a focus area that has the potential FIGURE 36 shows that valuable to the future of financial services, to unlock progress across the board: “If there is an opportu- “AI, ML, and Data & Analytics” ranked top, which increased from nity to engage with regulators to agree what best practices its third-place ranking in 2021. Cybersecurity was the second look like for open source in financial services, this could help ranked technology in this year’s survey, which speaks to its unlock benefits for the entire industry.33” importance as an area requiring both attention and investment. FIGURE 36 Areas of open source identified as valuable to the future if financial services Which open source technologies do you feel are the most valuable to the future of financial services? (select up to three) AI, ML, Data & Analytics 47% Cybersecurity 36% Blockchain/Distributed ledger technology (DLT) 34% Cloud 33% Web & Application Development 29% CI/CD 20% DevOps 19% Linux Kernel 10% Open Hardware 8% Augmented/Virtual Reality 6% IoT & Embedded 6% Networking & Edge 6% Storage 6% Don’t know or not sure 6% 2022 FINOS STATE OF OSS IN FINANCIAL SERVICES SURVEY, Q37, SAMPLE SIZE = 196, VALID CASES = 196, TOTAL MENTIONS = 519 THE 2022 STATE OF OPEN SOURCE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES 42

The State of Open Source in Financial Services - Page 42 The State of Open Source in Financial Services Page 41 Page 43