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to inner source projects than to third-party projects or They should identify training and resources available to projects that their own organizations open source. employees, clearly describe the requirements or restrictions, and lay the foundation for critical processes and tooling CHALLENGES TO OPEN SOURCE CONTRIBUTION that automate and simplify adherence to the policies. It is Financial institutions face significant challenges in enabling also essential to find the best and most efficient ways of and monitoring all types of contributions. It is important to promoting the policies themselves, which is no easy task understand these as we look at the highly regulated indus- given the large amount of information individuals receive try’s progress in increasing contributions to open source every day. projects and standards. While we are seeing an increase in the number of finan- As our 2021 report discusses, open source policies must cial institutions with contribution policies, there are still address legal, compliance, security, and intellectual property numerous factors impeding these organizations’ abilities to concerns while acting as enablers for their employees. FIGURE 16 shows, over make open source contributions. As FIGURE 16 Factors limiting an organization’s willingness to contribute to OSS My organization would increase OSS contribution if it focused investment or effort on: Legal or licensing concerns 6% 11% 14% 30% 39% A fear of leaking 7% 9% 15% 32% 36% intellectual property (IP) A lack of clear 6% 13% 17% 35% 29% return on investment A lack of policy 5% 8% 23% 37% 26% or training materials Technology constraints 8% 10% 26% 32% 24% and challenges Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree 2022 FINOS STATE OF OSS IN FINANCIAL SERVICES SURVEY, Q27, SAMPLE SIZE = 187-190, DKNS EXCLUDED THE 2022 STATE OF OPEN SOURCE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES 26

The State of Open Source in Financial Services - Page 26 The State of Open Source in Financial Services Page 25 Page 27