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FIGURE 22 Number of open source projects maintained How many open source projects does your company maintain? (select one) 0 19% 12% 64% of the 1 to 2 organizations 3 to 10 33% maintain at least 1 OSS More than 10 19% project Don’t know or not sure 18% 2022 FINOS STATE OF OSS IN FINANCIAL SERVICES SURVEY, Q29, SAMPLE SIZE = 198 This year, we introduced a new survey question to learn more are more agile and able to implement the necessary policies, about organizational contribution, asking respondents how processes, and tools faster than larger companies. However, many open source projects their organizations maintained, large enterprises (10,000 employees or more) are signifi- with results shown in FIGURE 22. We see that most organi- cantly involved in opening an issue and contributing code to zations (64%) maintain at least one open source project, an open source project. with one third saying they maintain between three and 10 projects. While this may be low compared with other indus- In addition to how and how often respondents are contributing tries, it reflects the journey that the financial services industry to open source, we explored the areas in which their organi- is taking, with an increasing number of organizations moving zations are making open source contributions. Unsurprisingly, from consumption only to consumption and contribution. the responses, as FIGURE 24 shows, largely mirror the responses to the same question on open source consumption. As stated in the beginning of this section, contribution can One exception is that Linux Kernel is much higher up on the list FIGURE 23 reflects below. for consumption (36% of respondents cited using it) than it is take many forms, which for contribution. Kernel development is a very specialized field Evaluating this response by company size, we see that (developed in C/C++), and we showed earlier that financial smaller companies are making more contributions across all services organizations are primarily contributing to projects in types measured. This may indicate that smaller companies Java, JavaScript, Go, and Python. THE 2022 STATE OF OPEN SOURCE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES 31

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