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Foundation Research estimates that open source software constitutes 70 to 90% of any given modern software solution. FIGURE 8 In the words of one interviewee for this report, “It would be Comparison of the extent to which hard to find code today that does not have some dependency 9 open source consumption is permitted on open source.” at the respondents’ organization Notably, much of the infrastructure that public cloud vendors provide is itself open source; hence, by using the public What statement is closest to your current organization’s cloud, we are indirectly consuming open source code. policy on open source consumption? (select one) “ In engaging cloud service providers and vendors to give us things like a load balancer, a data store, a virtual Consumption machine, for example ... since they are running open is openly 48% encouraged source software, so are we.”10 27% The widespread use of open source is a positive result for the software industry, where both the community and enter- Consumption 41% prises benefit from the collaborative creation of shared value. is permitted However, it is not without challenges. Security is a clear and under limited ever-present concern, as is decision-making regarding which conditions 47% components to use, when to update, how to manage license obligations, and more. 3% The first step toward tackling these challenges is to have a Consumption is not permitted clear and effective policy relating to the consumption of open 17% source software and components. We explored organizational consumption policies, with the results shown in FIGURE 8. 8% As indicated in the above figure, this year’s research shows No clear policy that 48% of respondents work in organizations that openly 9% encourage open source consumption, which is a signifi- 2022 2021 cant increase compared with last year's results (27%). This is a very positive result for financial services, which has been slow to adopt open source compared with other industry sectors. However, there is still room for improvement. A 2022 FINOS STATE OF OSS IN FINANCIAL SERVICES SURVEY, Q12, SAMPLE SIZE = 210 recent survey that spanned multiple sectors found that 57% 2021 FINOS STATE OF OSS IN FINANCIAL SERVICES SURVEY, Q21, SAMPLE SIZE = 111 of respondents work in organizations that openly encourage open source consumption.11 THE 2022 STATE OF OPEN SOURCE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES 17

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