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Methodology This research report draws on survey data, by the Linux Foundation and FINOS. The survey • A respondent had to be somewhat familiar, industry data, and insights culminating from a was distributed and promoted across research very familiar, or extremely familiar with their series of qualitative interviews. Senior IT leaders partner social media channels, websites, news- organization’s approach to open source. fluent in open source technologies, communities, letters, and via direct email campaigns. The • A respondent had to answer the first and challenges were invited to share their insights. survey sample also included qualified responses content question after the screening and from a third-party panel provider. demographic questions. In-depth interviews The data from the 2021 study and this 2022 The margin of error for this sample size (N = Interviews were recorded so that transcripts survey are openly available on Like could be produced. Such transcripts were strictly 249) is +/- 5.2% with 90% confidence. last year, this 2022 survey primarily focused on controlled and used only for purposes of this both end-user organizations and fintech vendors. Year-over-year comparisons report. If a recording was not permitted, then End-user organizations are primarily consumers detailed notes were taken. Questions were also Comparisons were made between data collected of IT products and services, whereas fintech in 2021 and 2022, question and response design shared for completion via email. Unless quotes vendors are primarily producers of IT products were given explicit approval by the named indi- permitting. Respondents had to answer nearly and services. We made comparisons between all questions in the survey, so there are situa- viduals and/or their organizations, sources were 2021 and 2002 questions where possible. anonymized. tions when a respondent is unable to answer a Percentage values in charts may not add up to question because it is outside the scope of their About the survey 100% due to rounding. role or experience. For this reason, a “Don’t know or not sure” (DKNS) response was presented to From July 12 to September 21, 2022, FINOS and the respondent. The share of DKNS responses in its research partners fielded a worldwide survey Screening criteria a question influences the percentage values of of qualified individuals within (or providing The qualified sample size analyzed for the 2022 the remaining responses. Generally, we present services to) the financial services industry on survey was 249. This sample size reflects those the percentage of respondents who answer various questions related to organizational open respondents who passed various screening and DKNS as a valid response to each question. source consumption, contribution, opportunities, filtering criteria, including the following: and challenges. One exception is when we are performing • A respondent had to self-identify as a real year-over-year comparisons. Differences in the The quantitative survey was designed to engage person. percentage of DKNS responses between ques- key stakeholders at the intersection of open • A respondent had to be employed tions year over year will skew the comparative source and financial institutions, including full or part time. results. Therefore, when performing year-over- developers, IT leaders, executive manage- • A respondent had to be employed by the year comparisons, we exclude DKNS responses ment, security, legal, procurement, and human financial services industry or by a company and recalculate percentages so that we have a resources. This was combined with distillation that develops financial services focused normalized basis for comparing the remaining and benchmarking of previous work conducted technology (i.e., a fintech). percentage values. THE 2022 STATE OF OPEN SOURCE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES 46

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