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Opportunities point to this trend continuing. As organizations continue to In the final section of the survey, we asked respondents to understand the value of open source, there is an opportunity identify the top opportunities open source holds for financial to reframe the strategic importance of technology. services. In this section, we report that: There is also an opportunity to improve existing policies and • There is overwhelming agreement that open source is processes. As one senior leader noted, “If there was tooling valuable to the future of the industry. that allowed us to plug into the same security scanning work- • More collaboration could improve open source policies, flows we use for external libraries, enabling the security processes, and tooling. controls to apply to any code going to open source before it goes public, that would go a long way in addressing concerns • The top areas in which the industry can benefit from open 32 that firms have about contributions.” Firms also need to source include digital identity, common workflows, and understand that policies, especially those which may have innovation. been written many years ago, need to undergo continuous • “AI, ML, Data and Analytics” was the most valuable updates. As technology evolves, organizations find them- technology for the future of financial services. selves with new audiences, more automation, and an ability to see the present through a lens that perhaps didn’t exist We’ve shown that efforts around both consumption and at the time of an open source policy’s initial creation. One contribution have grown in the last year, and all indicators leader close to open source in a bank explained that they FIGURE 34 Open source is valuable to the future of the financial services industry To what extent do you agree that open source is valuable to the future of the financial services industry? (select one) 4% 2% 8% 22% 65% Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree 2022 FINOS STATE OF OSS IN FINANCIAL SERVICES SURVEY, Q35, SAMPLE SIZE = 189, DKNS EXCLUDED THE 2022 STATE OF OPEN SOURCE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES 40

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