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Scope of open source financial services activity In this section, we explore the open source activities of This year, as shown in TABLE 1, we find 36,107 reposito- financial services organizations through publicly available ries with financial services committers, which is an increase GitHub data. It is challenging to capture the full extent of of 43% compared to last year's results. Elsewhere in this open source interactions because as we highlight elsewhere report, we highlight that contribution policies are shifting in this report, policies and restrictions often push developers toward a more favorable position. Contribution is more often to use their personal account when interacting with GitHub. permitted in 2022 (35% vs. 20%), with the increased activity However, despite these challenges, we observe interesting we observed within GitHub likely reflecting this positive patterns from the available data. policy change. We see a similar, yet more modest, increase in the total number of financial services personnel interacting GitHub provided the analysis in this section using a list of within GitHub. FINOS-supplied email domains of over 400 of the largest financial services institutions (by revenue and/or assets The goal of FINOS is to drive collaboration within the finan- under management) as well as those financial services orga- cial services industry. With that in mind, it is interesting to see nizations known to this group to be active or interested how often multiple financial institutions are active in a single in open source. Data was included for GitHub users who repository. Last year, we found that most projects in the made commits to any public repo with a primary email that dataset had contributors from only a single financial services matched an email domain in a FINOS-provided list or if the institution. This year, this figure has increased to 41 projects, user was a member of an organization that had a billing email with committers from more than one financial institution with a domain in that same list. compared with 24 last year. 1 2021 TABLE 1 GitHub repositories with a financial services email domain Unique repositories Total commits by Year with FinServ commits Unique FinServ users FinServ users 2022 36,107 8,552 535,974 1 2021 25,280 6,857 429,258 THE 2022 STATE OF OPEN SOURCE IN FINANCIAL SERVICES 8

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